喜欢亲手下厨 home-made 都是为了让家人可以吃到
无添加爱心甜点 🥰
选用这款日本超人気 Pioneer 無鋁泡打粉绝对无顾虑,適合烘焙各種麵包、鬆餅、煎餅、蛋糕,曲奇... 等‼️
为什么一定 Pioneer 泡打粉叻 ⁉️
其实泡打粉在市面上原来是分为两种的 🙀
✴️一种是 *含铝* 泡打粉
✴️一种是 *无铝* 泡打粉
而且我们每公斤人体每周不建议摄取超过 1mg 的鋁的哦🤨
不过最令人担心的是我们每天吃外面卖的麵包、蛋糕、點心、饅頭、饼干…等等. 🍪🥞🍩
而我們是没办法肉眼看得见 🧐🕵️🙈
分分钟吃了多少超出人体负荷的含量超标的鋁也不知道. 🙊🙀
久而久之就会对健康照成负担了... 🤢🤮😨
至于带来什么影响, Google就一清而楚了☠️
搞懂了那以后, 含鋁食品就一定要可免则免⛔
快点把厨房里的无名氏泡打粉放进Mr. Bin了♻️
以后就只用这款 日本Pioneer無鋁泡打粉 帮妳完成让家人的吃得安心又放心的甜品喇❣️❣️
It's healthier if we eat home-made desserts by ourselves. But don’t forget that careful selection of ingredients is the key‼ ️
Choose this Japanese Pioneer aluminum-free baking powder absolutely no worries, suitable for baking all kinds of bread, muffins, pancakes, cakes, cookies... etc.‼ ️
*🚫Aluminum-free formula
*🚫No bitterness
*🚫Does not affect the food original taste
Why Pioneer Baking Powder ⁉️
Do u know there are two types of baking powder in the market 🙀
✴️One is *aluminum* baking powder
✴️One is *non-aluminum* baking powder
And we do not recommend to consume more than 1mg of aluminum per kilogram of human body per week🤨
But the most worrying thing is that we eat bread, cakes, snacks, buns, biscuits, etc. sold at the store every day. 🍪🥞🍩
Maybe for various reasons, merchants may add more than 2% aluminum baking powder that exceeds the standard.
And we can't even see it at all🧐🕵️🙈
You don’t know how much aluminum you ate that exceeds the body’s load. 🙊🙀
Although it is not long-term eating, it is not easy to discharge from the body and it will be a burden on health... 🤢🤮😨.
☠️What impact will be brought to Google will be clear ☠️
After you understand that, u should know aluminum-containing foods must be avoided. ⛔⛔
Hurry up and put the Anonymous baking powder in the kitchen into Mr. Bin ♻️
In the future, I will only use this Japanese Pioneer aluminum-free baking powder to help you complete the desserts that make your family feel safe to eat.❣️❣️