食材能够保持完整,肉质不会松散,比如煮鱼汤或豆腐汤的时候,滚几下通常翻个面,豆腐烂了鱼肉也很难看了,用上落盖鱼肉可以保持完整性。在炖煮酱汁较少的料理时,更需要使用落盖,压缩空间,让食材均匀入味,也省时 。另外在炖煮的过程中,不会蒸发掉过多汤汁,可以盖上落盖后,再加盖锅子本身的锅盖,盖子重量达到落盖的目的和效果,又能保有汤汁. 平时用微波炉加热食物时也可以盖上防止酱汁喷出来... 两全起美🐽
■ 质地: 食用高级耐高温硅胶
■ 耐高低温度: -10 ~ 230 ° c
■ 微波炉适用
■ 日本製
Piggy Silicone Steamer
Plush Silicone rubber So familiar in the form of food, heat to circulate efficiently, will finish on deliciously simmered.
Heat, highly durable silicone is a safer material. Come to boil and begins to steam from the nostrils is somewhat humorous. When lifting to lift anything.
It can also be used as a wrap instead.
It is made of heat-resistant silicone and stick to the surface of the food to cook evenly, to saturate the food with minimum amount of broth, and prevent food from falling apart
Japanese using this piggy heat-resistant silicone for stew dishes, it will stick to the surface of the food to cook evenly and prevent food from falling apart
⚠️Pre-order item, delivery within 14days⚠️
[Product specifications]
■ Material: silicone rubber
■ Temperature: -10 - 230 ° c
■ Microwave Safe
■ Made in Japan