比起市面上价格便宜的人造蜜糖. 我更喜欢使用天然无添加的枫糖浆代替蜜糖来制作甜品或料理呢.
每年的3月、4月是制作枫糖的最好季节,首先在枫树上打一个洞,插入导管,收集枫树的汁液,之后把汁液慢慢熬制,一般30到45升的枫树液也仅仅只能提炼出1升的枫糖浆,所以很珍贵... 枫糖浆能做的食物实在太多了,例如枫糖浆吐司、枫糖浆、枫糖浆芝士蛋糕、烤鸡, 酱汁..
Compared to the cheap artificial honey on the market, I prefer to use natural, additive-free maple syrup instead of honey to make desserts or dishes.
Maple syrup has a good taste and is rich in minerals. It is a natural nutritious product. In addition, its calories are much lower than other sugars, and its nutrient content is much higher than other sugars. This is why maple syrup The reason for being so popular!
Each year, March and April are the best seasons for making maple syrup. First, make a hole in the maple tree, insert a tube, collect the sap of the maple tree, and then slowly boil the sap, usually 30 to 45 liters of maple tree. The liquid can only extract 1 liter of maple syrup, so it is very precious... Maple syrup can make too many foods, such as maple syrup toast, maple syrup, maple syrup cheesecake, roast chicken, and sauce. .