冲绳县名产菠萝,酒厂故使用了30% 冲绳菠萝的浑浊汁液,与独创的泡盛清酒酿制。
开瓶后能够闻到浓郁的菠萝香。入口后能尝到菠萝的甜味,随后才品尝到菠萝的酸。菠萝的多汁与适度的酸为这份果酒添加了醇厚清爽的口感,仿佛置身在海边吹着海风一样。而且加入蜂蜜后口感更酸甜可口。不喜欢太浓郁的,可以加入苏打水饮用,口感更为爽口, 想要微醺感还可以加入 GIN 或者 Malibu 调酒哦!除了饮用还能制作甜品呢!
🍍Okinawa Pineapple no Osake🍍
The famous pineapple in Okinawa Prefecture, the brewery uses 30% of the turbid juice of Okinawa pineapple and brewed with the original Awamori sake.
After opening the bottle, you can smell a strong pineapple fragrance. You can taste the sweetness of pineapple after you eat it, and then you can taste the sourness of pineapple. The juicy and moderate acidity of the pineapple adds a mellow and refreshing taste to this fruit wine, as if you are on the beach blowing the sea breeze. And after adding honey, the taste is more sour, sweet and delicious. If you don't like too strong, you can add soda water to drink, the taste is more refreshing, you can also add GIN or Malibu for bartending if you want a slightly drunk feel! In addition to drinking, you can also make desserts!