日本每位煮妇都必备这款超方便使用日本牛油汁,从冰箱后拿出来马上就能使用了(不怕变硬)💓 👋🏻告别冰箱拿牛油出来又切又洗又要煮溶这些烦人的步骤了!是繁忙的煮食日常里省时又省力的烹饪材料不二之选☺️
Every housewife in Japan must have this super easy-to-use Japanese butter sauce. It can be used immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator (not afraid of hardening) 💓 👋🏻 Say goodbye to annoying steps! It is the best choice for time-saving and labor-saving cooking cooking in busy cooking routines☺️
In addition to baked toast🍞, you can also use for BBQ, fried meat🥩seafood🦞 just add butter sauce to your favorite ingredients, and use it like butter! The point is that it is less scorched than butter. Whether it is cream sauce, butter fried rice, grilled shrimp, grilled chicken wings, fried pork/steak, baked broccoli with butter, or even pasta, you can also use it ☺️